GameDev.TV Game Jam 2022 Entry - see

Be sure to play in Full Screen otherwise you won't see the whole level in the standard viewport.  Didn't get time to sort this out - sorry!


You've messed up.  As Death, you ventured onto a lost island which contains souls that were taken too early.  And they want revenge.

But where could they send you?  Hell? Ha - you're Death.  Hell is like a holiday for you.  No.  For you, there's only one place they can send you - and that's Heaven.

Do your best to fight off the lost souls, and stay away from the Hell of Heaven for as long as you can!


W - Up
A - Left
S - Down
D - Right
Space - Jump
Left Mouse Button - Attack

Ideally you'll need a mouse to play properly. Track pad will work but it's a little awkward.

You can move and change attack direction at the same time.  Use the mouse to aim your scythe and left mouse click to strike.  Best strategy is to keep moving and facing your enemies.

Ghosts strike fast.  Try and hit them before they hit you.  Ghosts are expelled after 3 hits.

Conditions For Winning

Your penalty is inevitable. Keep those stairs to Heaven away for as long as you can. Try and beat your time!

My best time: 108.3 seconds.


Audio Files (all free): - Thunder sound. - Thunder sound. - Thunder sound. - Thunder sound. - Slicing Sound. - Dum Dum Dummmmmm sound.

All other audio by me.

3D Assets

All from free assets (Graveyard Kit 3 and NatureKit 2.1 specifically), apart from Death (by me), the beam and the ground :/


All free assets via: - Bloody by James Fordyce

Rocky AOE by Astigmatic One Eye Typographic Institute - 


This was very  rushed.  Family life and work inevitably takes up time, so squeezed in a bit here and there when I could.  Wasted a whole day fighting Blender into Unity - but alot learned.   

Source code has NOT been tidied up or optimised in any way either, sorry.  Oh - and very little comments - was just trying to get stuff to work - this is not my normal standard of coding! :)

Things I know:

  • Ghosts attack too quickly.  I didn't have time to optimise this.  I'd have put a timer in on how long they're in contact with you.  But spent the last night I could work on it way too late getting some kind of game together.
  • The start ghosts are too quick.  Again something I couldn't implement in time.
  • I wanted to add a dash function to the RMB.  Some code in there but didn't get around to it.
  • Same for jump - serves no purpose really.  Wanted to add combo strikes up in the air ala Devil May Cry etc., but no time :(
  • Wanted to add more levels.  In the end had to settle for just one with just a standard plane.
  • Wasted 2 days trying to do this in 2D isometric - but in the end due to layering issues I had to switch to 3D.

Constructive feedback really welcome.  I'm reasonably familiar with Unity but not proficient.  C# dev by day is a big advantage for me, but lack of familiarity with Unity objects etc. was a steep learning curve in a v. short amount of time.  Still, got to grips with Coroutines, Animation Controllers, Blender imports and so on.


Thanks to SirJLocks for ideas and general support - difficult to get things over the line without a bit of a push!


Download 8.5 MB

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